6 Po Boy Sandwiches You Must Try In Charlottesville, Virginia!


1. Alligator Sausage Po Boy, Southern Crescent Gallery And Bar

814 Hinton Ave, Charlottesville, VA 22902
Website | Facebook | Photo: Yelp

2. Shrimp Po Boy Sandwich, The Fitzroy

120 E Main St, Charlottesville, VA 22902
Website | Facebook | Photo: Yelp

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3. Catfish Po Boy, FIG Bistro

1331 W Main St, Charlottesville, Virginia
Website | Photo: FB

4. Shrimp Po Boy, The Whiskey Jar

227 W Main St, Charlottesville, Virginia
Website | Facbeook | Twitter | Photo: FB

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5. Roast Beef Po Boy, Beer Run

156 Carlton Road, Suite 203, Charlottesville, Virginia
Website | Facebook |Twitter | Photo: FB

6. Shrimp Po Boy, Burton’s Grill

7 Bond Street, Charlottesville, Virginia
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: FB

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