12 Ways To Get Your Biscuit Fix In Charlottesville!


1. The Regular, Ivy Provisions

2206 Ivy Rd, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Website | Facebook | Photo: FB

2. Pork, Bacon, FGT, Sunny Side Up Egg & Pimento Cheese On A Biscuit, Ace Biscuit & BBQ

711 Henry Ave, Charlottesville, VA 22903
Website | Facebook | Photo: FB

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3. The Biscuits, Michie Tavern

683 Thomas Jefferson Pkwy, Charlottesville, VA 22902
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: FB

4. Ham Biscuit, The Whiskey Jar

227 W Main St, Charlottesville, Virginia
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: FB

5. Southern Fried, Fig Bistro

1331 W Main St, Charlottesville, VA 22903
Website | Facebook | Photo: FB

6. Biscuits & Gravey, Tip Top Restaurant

1420 Richmond Road, Charlottesville, VA 22911
Website | Facebook | Photo: Yelp

7. Conchi’s Biscuit Basket, Beer Run

156 Carlton Rd Ste 203, Charlottesville, VA 22902
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: FB

8. Timberwood Titan, Timberwood Grill


3311 Worth Xing, Charlottesville, Virginia
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: FB

9. Sausage Gravy, Biscuit, Eggs, & Homefries, Mooses By The Creek

1710 Monticello Rd, Charlottesville, VA 22902
Facebook | Photo: Yelp

10. Ham Biscuits, Red Hub Food Co.

202 10th St NW, Charlottesville, VA 22903
Facebook | Photo: Yelp

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11. Flat Iron Steak & Eggs With Biscuit, Bizou

119 W Main St, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Website | Facebook | Photo: Yelp

12. Country Fried Steak & Eggs Breakfast With A Biscuit & Sausage Hash, The Nook Restaurant

415 E Main St, Charlottesville, VA 22902
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Photo: Yelp

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