Jimmy & Mary North Of Airflow Systems Celebrate Their 30 Year Business Anniversary In Charlottesville, Va


Airflow Systems Inc. recently celebrated its 30-year anniversary of successfully doing business in Charlottesville and across Central Virginia.

Jimmy North and Mary North, the dynamic husband-and-wife owners behind this locally-owned company, have truly created a family business on Rose Hill Drive.

I am so impressed with how the Airflow team members speak glowingly about their company and their bosses. The team thoroughly enjoys working together, which certainly has contributed to 30+ years of business success in a competitive HVAC category.

When you see Jimmy & Mary North around CVille, please be sure to congratulate them on a fantastic 30-year run! These two have certainly made Charlottesville and Central Virginia a better place to live!

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CEO Jerry Miller

Jerry Miller is the CEO of The Miller Organization, The I Love CVille Network, VMV Brands, The Blue Ridge Venture Fund, I Love CVille Real Estate and Charlottesville Business Brokers which are all headquartered in Downtown Charlottesville, Virginia. Jerry is passionate about the #ShopLocal movement and supporting locally-owned businesses. Get to know Jerry at JerryMillerNow.com.