14 Of The Coolest + Strangest Things You’ll See In A Restaurant


1. Please answer this: Why is this restaurant comparing their burritos to newborn babies??? Better yet, why are they creating photo albums for it?


2. Did you forget to buy Ma Dukes a Mother’s Day card? No sweat; this restaurant is selling ’em in the bathroom!!

Free Books

3. Are you tight on cash? This eatery is offering a 10% kick-back when you talk like Bond. … James Bond!!

Sean Connery Voice

4. Ladies, if you look under the flap, you may get sprayed! … or you’ll be doing the walk of shame back to your table!

Hunk Alarm

5. Bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon ….. More bacon!

Bacon Bacon

6. Look, it’s a party in your smoothie!

Fruity Tales

7. At least they know their food is pricey, right?

Big Check

8. That’s one way to ask you not to take pictures in the restaurant.

No Pics Please

9. You ask for nothing, you get nothing!


10. This restaurant makes their food really spicy! How spicy??? So spicy they have to freeze the TP!!

Cold Wipes

11. Twilight haters come from all walks of life.

Death To Twilight

12. I bet this has caused more than one awkward moment.

Bathroom Mixup

13. Someone’s having fun.

Rice Treat

14. Well played, sir. Well played.

Me Soy Horny

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