20 Ways To Give Back In CVille


1. The Haven

112 W Market St, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Facebook | Website | Photo: The Haven FB

The Haven is always in need of volunteers and donations. Check out their wishlist to see what you can do.

2. United Way TJA

806 East High Street, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Facebook | Website | Twitter | Photo: United Way FB

United Way TJA help the community in areas like food, clothing, health and education. They also run the Santa Fund that helps provide school children with food, clothing and school supplies.

3. March Of Dimes

2025 Woodbrook Court, Charlottesville, VA 22901
Facebook | Website | Twitter | Photo: March Of Dimes FB

March Of Dimes supports healthy babies and research in infant care as well as preventing premature birth. You can donate your money, time or even your car.


3355 Berkmar Dr, Charlottesville, Virginia 22901
Facebook | Website | Twitter | Photo: CASPCA FB

CSPCA holds an annual blanket drive and Foster For The Holidays. They also have a wishlist of items they currently need.

5. Loaves & Fishes

370-E Greenbrier Dr, Charlottesville, Virginia 22901
Facebook | Website | Twitter | Photo: Loaves & Fishes FB

Loaves & Fishes is a food pantry that you can donate to with money or time. They also have programs that earn them donations when you do your grocery or Holiday shopping.

6. International Rescue Committee in Charlottesville

609 East Market Street, Suite 104, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Facebook | Website | Twitter | Photo: IRC FB

The International Rescue Committee helps refugees rebuild their lives in America.

7. Boys & Girls Club Of Central Virginia

1000B Cherry Avenue, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Facebook | Website | Twitter | Photo: Boys & Girls Club FB

The Boys & Girls Club Of Central Virginia helps enrich the lives and education of young people. You can check their website for their current donation wishlist or donate your money and time.

8. Court Appointed Special Advocates

818 East High Street, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Facebook | Website | Twitter | Photo: CASA FB

CASA helps give children a voice in the court room. They accept online donations.

9. Rivanna Conservation Society

108 5th Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Facebook | Website | Twitter | Photo: Rivanna Conservation Society FB

Rivanna Conservation Society accepts online donations and has volunteer opportunities.

10. Sexual Assault Resource Agency

1013 Little High Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902
Facebook | Website | Twitter | Photo: SARA FB

SARA accepts donations for therapy, crisis hotlines and prevention programming.


11. Virginia Organizing

703 Concord Avenue, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Facebook | Website | Twitter | Photo: VA Organizing FB

Virginia Organizing works to improve all aspects of life in Virginia. When you donate, you get to decide what cause your money goes to.

12. Charlottesville Free Clinic

1138 Rose Hill Dr, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
Facebook | Website | Photo: CVille Free Clinic FB

Charlottesville Free Clinic needs volunteers, money, dinner for volunteers and practices accepting referrals.

13. Service Dogs Of Virginia

218 Albemarle Sq, Charlottesville, Virginia 22901
Facebook | Website | Photo: Service Dogs Of VA FB

Service Dogs Of Virginia needs donations and volunteers to help raise puppies.

14. Albemarle Housing Improvement Program

2127 Berkmar Dr, Charlottesville, Virginia
Facebook | Website | Photo: AHIP FB

Albemarle Housing Improvement Program makes critical home repairs for families in need.

15. Virginia Institute Of Autism

1414 Westwood Rd, Charlottesville, Virginia
Facebook | Website | Photo: Virginia Institute Of Autism FB

VIA helps people and families affected by autism with outreach, education and services of adults with autism.

16. Region Ten

100 Burnett Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902

Region Ten is a family resource for people dealing with mental illness, substance abuse and intellectual disabilities.

17. Charlottesville – Albemarle Rescue Squad

828 Mcintire Rd, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Website | Photo: CARS

CARS accepts PayPal donations.


1025 Park St, Charlottesville, Virginia 22901
Facebook | Website | Photo: MACAA FB

MACAA’s goal is to help Charlottesville area families out of poverty.

19. Virginia Discovery Museum

524 East Main Street, East End of the Downtown Mall, Charlottesville, Virginia
Facebook | Website | Twitter | Photo: VA Discovery FB

Virginia Discovery Museum accepts donations and has a wishlist to make their museum even better.

20. Monticello

931 Thomas Jefferson Pkwy, Charlottesville, Virginia
Facebook | Website | Twitter | Photo: Monticello FB

Charlottesville’s crown jewel and best tourist destination can always use donations to keep Thomas Jefferson’s home maintained.

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Maggie Comeau, Content Manager

Maggie Comeau is the content manager of Scoutology. Her favorite things to write about are sweets, brunch and burgers.

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