7 Charlottesville Wheat Beers You Should Try


1. Rockfish Wheat, Blue Mountain Brewery


9519 Critzer Shop Rd, Afton, VA 22920
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An authentic Bavarian-style “Kristall Weizen” filtered wheat beer. The unique flavor created by the yeast has made this ale a summer favorite in the beer world.

2. Weizen- Bavarian-style Wheat Beer, Blue Mountain Barrel House


495 Cooperative Way, Arrington, VA 22922
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The days when brewing a wheat beer seemed indulgent have passed, but true Weizen beer remains a luxury. A unique strain of yeast produces banana and clove flavors that meld with the crispness of wheat and the sweet flavors of barley malt that shine above the mellow Hallertau hops.

3. No Retreat Wheat, Champion Brewing Company


324 6th St SE, Charlottesville, VA 22902
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A refreshing Bavarian hefeweizen. Made with malted wheat, pale malt, and the oldest yeast strain in the world, this traditional ale has bready, banana flavors and spicy clove aromas.

4. Wintergreen Weiss- Bavarian-style Hefeweizen, Devils Backbone Brewing Company

Devil weiss

200 Mosbys Run, Roseland, VA 22967
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This 2010 Great American Beer Festival Bronze medal winner is a traditional Bavarian-style wheat beer is hazy gold in color, with a lively fruity finish that has hints of clove and banana. This is the beer that started the odyssey that led to the creation of Devils Backbone Brewing Company.

5. Ostara, James River Brewing Company

James ostara

561 Valley St, Scottsville, VA 24590
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Their amber wheat ale named for a German fertility goddess. Rich, complex malts and a thick mouth feel, a multitude of different hops gives an amazing freshness, achieved through an hour and a half of constant hopping every 5 minutes.

6. The Love- German Hefeweizen, Starr Hill Brewery

Starr Hill love

5391 3 Notch’d Rd, Crozet, VA 22932
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The Love is an unfiltered wheat beer, also known as a hefeweizen. It is distinguished by its extremely light body and flavored with hints of banana and clove. A slice of lemon can complement this refreshing brew.

If you liked this article, you might also enjoy 5 Seasonal VA Beers You Must Try! and Meet The 8 Best Brewmasters In Charlottesville.

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