7 Facts About The CVille Spudnut Shop


1. The Spudnut Recipe Comes From Germany

309 Avon St, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Spudnuts all started when two brothers tried potato donuts in Germany.

2. The CVille Spudnut Shop opened 45 Years Ago

309 Avon St, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Photo: foursquare.com

In 1969, Richard Wingfield opened The Spudnut Shop that we all know and love. It is now run by his daughter, Lori.

3. They Have A Website

309 Avon St, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Photo: Spudnuts Website

They may not have a Facebook, but did you know that Spudnuts has a website? You just have to be willing to look for sites.google.com/site/thespudnutshop.

4. Someone Wrote A Poem For Their Cherry Star

309 Avon St, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Photo: blognut.blogspot.com

Spudnuts’ cherry cinnamon nut was once the subject of a poem published in local media.

5. We Have The Only Spudnut Shop On The East Coast

309 Avon St, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Photo: foursquare.com

There are a handful of places in the US you can get a Spudnut, but we are the only town on the East Coast with a Spudnut shop.

6. Spudnuts Has Stood The Test Of Time

309 Avon St, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Photo: foursquare.com

Over the years several franchises have come and gone in CVille, including Dukin Donuts and Krispy Kreme, but Spudnuts has beaten them all.

7. They Sell Out In A Flash

309 Avon St, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Photo: foursquare.com

The Spudnut Shop often closes in the middle of the day, because they tend to sell out before noon.

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Maggie Comeau, Content Manager

Maggie Comeau is the content manager of Scoutology. Her favorite things to write about are sweets, brunch and burgers.

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