1. It All Started With Loitering
Photo: AlbemarleHistory.org
People were concerned about groups of young men hanging out by the Levy Opera House. Eventually the McKee property was purchased for a park.
2. Jackson’s Horse Is Standing Wrong
Photo: stowekeller.com
According to the “Hoof Code” Jackson died of natural causes, but he actually died of battle wounds.
3. It’s Pretty Good For An Equestrian Statue
Photo: DCMemorials.com
Our statue of old Stonewall is ranked in the top three equestrian statues in the world!
4. The Figures On The Base Of The Statue Are Faith And Valor
Photo: kevinalfredstrom.com
The figures are carved out of pink granite.
5. Jackson Park Used To Lead To The Prison
Photo: charlottesvillethenandnow.blogspot.com
It used to be a walking path leading from The Court House directly to the county maximum security prison.
6. Mayor McCue’s Mistress Lived There
Before the land was a park, McKee was a row of houses.
7. Jackson’s Horse Has A Name
Photo: Flickr.com
After Big Sorrel was too startled by gunfire, Jackson chose his wife’s smaller horse and dubbed him Little Sorrel.
8. Some People Thought The Statue’s Horse Looked Too Small
Jackson hated to ride horses. Whenever he had to ride, he preferred small horses which is part of the reason he preferred Little Sorrel.
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Maggie Comeau, Content Manager
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