9 Best Places To Work Outdoors In CVille


1. The Pavilion

700 E Main St, Charlottesville, Virginia
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At night, it’s a loud and lively concert venue, but in the morning it’s a beautifully quiet place to work or meditate before your crazy day begins.

2. Java Java

421 E Main St, Charlottesville, Virginia
Facebook | Website | Twitter | Photo: Java Java FB

Java Java has a lovely outdoor seating area under the shade of huge trees. Plus it’s within earshot of some great street musicians like the flute, violin or banjo players.

3. Para Coffee

19 Elliewood Ave, Charlottesville, Virginia
Facebook | Website | Twitter | Photo: Para Coffee FB

Para Coffee sits at the end of the picturesque Elliewood Ave. It has some little tables outside that you can sit at and work peacefully.

4. Dell Pond

Photo: lafoundation.org
Dell Pond is one of my favorite places to read. It’s especially nice in the morning when there’s a bit of fog blocking out the street.

5. C’Ville Coffee

1301 Harris St, Charlottesville, Virginia
Facebook | Website | Twitter | Photo: C’Ville Coffee FB

C’Ville Coffee’s outdoor patio is the perfect spot for group projects. You can enjoy the sun and fresh air while drinking fraps and maybe head over to Carpe Donut for a treat afterward.


6. The Corner

1520 University Ave, Charlottesville, Virginia
Facebook | Photo: The Virginian FB

Almost every business on The Corner has a nice outdoor seating area you can enjoy and people-watch when you need to give you eyes a rest from working.

7. UVA Gardens

Photo: UVA FB
The UVA Gardens in another favorite place for reading. A laptop may not be great here, but any low-tech work you need to do can be done in these beautiful gardens.

8. The Lawn

Photo: UVA FB
It’s not unusual to see students studying on the lawn. It’s a great place to work when you’re sick of a stuffy office or desk.

9. The Pigeon Hole

11 Elliewood Ave, Charlottesville, Virginia
Facebook | Website | Twitter | Photo: Pigeon Hole FB

The Pigeon Hole is a great place to stir up some creativity for writers. Plus you can reward yourself with pancakes!

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Maggie Comeau, Content Manager

Maggie Comeau is the content manager of Scoutology. Her favorite things to write about are sweets, brunch and burgers.

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