Top 10: Ice Cream & Frozen Yogurt in CVille


Now that fall is coming, you’re gonna want to squeeze in some time for ice cream before it gets TOO cold. Here are 10 suggestions for a family night or date night before the chill sets in. How many of these frozen treats have you enjoyed?!?!

Arch’s (Emmet St & The Corner): “A Charlottesville tradition. Famous for its low fat GOOEY BROWNIE and low calorie frozen treat WOW COW!”

Ben & Jerry’s (Barrack’s Road): “We make the best possible ice cream in the nicest way possible.”

Berry Berry (The Corner): “We have natural self-serve Greek yogurt. Boba milk tea is coming soon!”

Chandlers (River Road): “It is amazing go there.”

Chaps (Downtown Mall) : “We make our own homemade Ice Cream, We make our own Doughnuts, and we are a fun loving crew who values our customers and takes pride in our work.”

Coldstone Creamery (Emmet St.) : “From unique ice cream “Creations” to smoothies, cakes and shakes – nobody serves up the ultimate indulgence like Cold Stone.”

Dunkin Donuts/ Baskin Robbins (The Corner): “Baskin-Robbins is known for 31 flavors of ice cream.”

Kohr Bros (Richmond Rd. & Seminole Trail): “The Original still Tastes the Best!”

Splendora’s (Downtown Mall): “Small-batch, on-site production. Attempts at seasonality and local products. The dancing-est staff on the Mall. Welcome to Splendora’s.”

Sweet frog (Barrack’s North, Downtown Mall) : “Providing premium frozen yogurt, Sweet Frog is serving up fun everyday!”

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