One Meatball Place Is Fun For Everyone!


Featuring fresh falafel, meatballs and salads, One Meatball Place in Midtown Charlottesville is an absolute must try!

One Meatball Place also offers vegetarian and gluten-free options and is the perfect family restaurant!

At “I Love CVille,” we suggest you order a beef 3-meatball sub with BBQ meatball sauce, fries on the side and an ice cold drink from the Brooklyn Brewery. Then, you must try the Chap’s Ice Cream Sandwich! It’s to die for!

To learn more, please click: One Meatball Place or “like” the OMP Facebook page.

This I Love CVille video feature was produced and published by vmv brands pictures. To learn more, please click: And please visit The CVille Store at for the best designs & clothing from Charlottesville, Va..

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