Top 10 Non-Alcoholic Drinks In CVille


1. Maya

633 W Main St, Charlottesville, Virginia
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Maya has a list of specially crafted mocktails like the Fleur De Nie with elderberry syrup, lime and soda.

2. Bang

213 2nd St SW, Charlottesville, Virginia
Facebook | Website | Photo: Bang FB

Bang also has a mocktail list with virgin forms of their most popular cocktails.


3. Timberlakes Drug Store

322 E Main St, Charlottesville, Virginia
Facebook | Photo: Timberlakes FB

Timberlakes Drug Store’s soda fountain offers limeades and Cherry Smash as well as cherry, chocolate or vanilla cokes.

4. The Flat

111 E Water St Apt A, Charlottesville, Virginia
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The Flat is famous for their lemonades. They come in rosemary, ginger and lavender. You can also get mint limeade.

5. Blue Moon Diner

512 W Main St, Charlottesville, Virginia
Facebook | Website | Photo: Blue Moon FB

Blue Moon Diner has fresh squeezed juices, Mexican Coca-Cola, egg creams and root beer on tap.

6. Mas Tapas

904 Monticello Rd, Charlottesville, Virginia
Facebook | Website | Twitter | Photo: Mas FB

Mas Tapas makes their own lemonades with seasonal flavors like watermelon and blackberry.

7. The Melting Pot

501 E Water St, Charlottesville, Virginia
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The Melting Pot also mixes up some mean lemonades like their mixed berry and basil lemonade.


8. Beer Run

156 Carlton Road, Suite 203, Charlottesville, Virginia
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Beer Run mixes their own sodas with seltzer and organic syrups.

9. Barefoot Bucha

Nellysford, Virginia
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Barefoot Bucha is a local kombucha brewer. They have flavors like hibiscus, cherry and mint.

10. Sticks

1820 Abbey Rd, Charlottesville, Virginia
Facebook | Website | Photo: Sticks FB

Sticks has fresh squeezed limeade and mango lemonade.

11. Zinburger

973 Emmet St N, Suite A, Charlottesville, Virginia
Facebook | Website | Twitter | Photo: Zin Burger FB

Zinburger has great shakes, floats and strawberry lemonade.

12. Albemarle CiderWorks

2545 Rural Ridge Lane, North Garden, VA 22959
Facebook | Website | Twitter | Photo: Albemarle CiderWorks FB

Albemarle CiderWorks offers fresh, non-alcoholic cider.

If you liked this post, you might also enjoy 9 Restaurants Your Mom Should Try In CVille and Top 9 Cocktail Hot Spots In CVille.
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Maggie Comeau, Content Manager

Maggie Comeau is the content manager of Scoutology. Her favorite things to write about are sweets, brunch and burgers.

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