Craig Hartman Analyzes Curtis Shaver Vs Melissa Close-Hart In Duel Chef Showdown Championship!


Craig Hartman is widely considered “The Godfather” of Central Virginia chefs. Hartman, the owner of BBQ Exchange in Gordonsville, has a robust family tree of chefs who have worked under him in Central Virginia kitchens.

For example, look no further than The Duel Chef Showdown Championship featuring Junction Executive Chef Melissa Close-Hart against Hamiltons’ At First & Main Executive Chef Curtis Shaver.

Close-Hart worked for Hartman at The Clifton Inn 25 years ago. Shaver moved from Ithaca, New York to work for Hartman at Keswick Hall in April, 2007.

Hartman has worked alongside Close-Hart and Shaver on super busy, understaffed nights, so his analysis is very applicable for this championship clash. Hartman analyzes the strengths of both chefs in Part 1 of this I Love CVille feature.

The Duel Chef Showdown Championship is on Monday, August 13 at Tin Whistle Irish Pub. Visit for details and to purchase tickets. For $60, you get to vote the winning chef and enjoy eight different dishes. It’s the best culinary deal in CVille!

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CEO Jerry Miller

Jerry Miller is the CEO of The Miller Organization, The I Love CVille Network, VMV Brands, The Blue Ridge Venture Fund, I Love CVille Real Estate and Charlottesville Business Brokers which are all headquartered in Downtown Charlottesville, Virginia. Jerry is passionate about the #ShopLocal movement and supporting locally-owned businesses. Get to know Jerry at